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Enterprise Payment Gateway (EPG)

UTIL360 EPG is the leading, user-friendly payment gateway integration provider for in-store, online, or mobile transactions – hassle-free. It provides a complete, simple, and secure electronic bill presentation and payment solution. Our SaaS platform provides flexible and always up-to-date online payment solutions that can be configured to meet the Utility’s unique needs. Our user-friendly simple-to-use interface engages customers throughout the payment process to deliver the highest ever e-payment adoption rates. EPG is 100% in-house developed and a fully integrated solution that consolidates credit card processing from online and POS payments into one comprehensive, agile solution. With EPG, customers can move seamlessly from paper to paperless.

Some of the key features are listed below:

Multi-Payment Methods

It processes credit cards, debits cards, internet banking, cash payments, Paypal, Google pay, Apple pay, etc. on a single integration.

Multi-Channel Processing

It accepts payments seamlessly on different channels either online, on mobile devices, mail-to-order, or via a call center.

Multi-Language Option

It allows customers to easily complete transactions in the native language they are most familiar with.

Multi-Currency Processing

It enables customers to make online payments in USD, Euro, CAD, etc.

Fraud Management System

It monitors incoming payments and detects transactions to keep the business safe and secure.


One of the most important features in the EPG is security. We ensure that the platform provides robust security and it is fully PCI DSS Level 1 compliant and adheres to the Data Security Standard. Enhanced Security Data encryption and tokenization keep cardholder information safe from hackers as the data moves through the transaction process. The EPG is SSL certified to protect customers' personal and credit card information. The SSL is the standard security technology that makes sure all data passed between a web server and a browser remains private.

Built-In Analytics

The EPG offers detailed reporting and faster reconciliation that can help to make informed business decisions. It generates reports and analyzes sales performance to gain insights on how to improve the business or revenue.

Responsive Mobile Interface

Delivers the same checkout experience on any device with our mobile-optimized payment interface.

Easy integration

The EPG allows friendly plugins to seamlessly integrate with existing platforms. With friendly payment integration enabled, it saves on the effort of manually updating the records, which also reduces the scope of errors. Every time there is a new sale and the payment is done digitally, it will start reflecting on the tool you are already using.

Invoicing options

The EPG has an in-built invoice capability that is a blessing for any retailer. This helps in streamlining the payment process and can offer a convenient way of accepting payments.

Fast processing speed

TThe speed at which the money gets transferred from a customer's account to a retailer's account is extremely important. A faster processing speed gives customers a hassle-free user experience.

Multiple payment options

With customers opting for digital payments, the payment gateway should be able to accept a multitude of payment options such as debit/credit cards, wallets, and rewards. When a retailer gives its customers the convenience of paying via their preferred mode of payment, it helps in gaining their confidence, leading to repeat visits, and a boost in sales.

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