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Moving towards Digital Transformation

Gas utilities face an array of challenges amid a rapidly evolving information-driven environment.

Chief among them are volatile gas prices, an aging workforce, and the operational challenges in upgrading complex underground distribution networks.

UTIL360 latest digital solutions address these issues and find new growth opportunities. We do so by enhancing the customer experience, improving reliability, optimizing asset investments, and leveraging our industry expertise..

Digital Customer Service

Customer Experience Management (CXM) plays a vital role in effectively engaging customers in participating in demand response programs such as those involving energy conservation measures. These can help the customer better understand their energy needs and consumption. Effective programs provide an enhanced user experience and value-added services for gas utilities..

UTIL360 and its Client – A Combined Workshop

The workshop is critical for understanding the goals and business needs of the new project. The workshop is a specific activity that aims to put key stakeholders in a room together for the specific purpose of ideating and defining the project objectives, requirements, and expected outcomes per the project..

  • In our experience, Clients appreciate the effort and investment made to reach out to them and seek to align our products and services to their needs.
  • We have developed a robust process to ensure that this critical analysis is efficiently and effectively undertaken. The process is based upon the value of pre-workshop research and the inclusion of all key stakeholders, therefore, ensuring relevance and a valid shared vision and ownership..

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